
오라클 카드 해석 15

[미스티컬 샤먼] 13. The Crow 까마귀

[미스티컬 샤먼 오라클 해석] 13. The Crow 까마귀 13. The Crow 까마귀 THE ESSENCE 본질 Crow is the keeper of universal law, the law of truth. Crow teaches us to walk our talk, to find congruence between who we say we are and who we really know ourselves to be. This winged one insists that we speak truth, that we create truth instead of searching for it, and that we bring truth to every situation we find ourselves in..

[미스티컬 샤먼 해석] 12. The Coyote 코요테

[미스티컬 샤먼 오라클 해석] 12. The Coyote 코요테 12. The Coyote 코요테 THE ESSENCE 본질 The Coyote is the symbol of the sacred trickster, the one who provides detours for growth and understanding by ensuring that things don’t go as planned. The Coyote brings the energy of divine deception to set you free from the shackles of that which doesn’t serve you. Sometimes it appears that you will get everything you want,..

[미스티컬 샤먼 해석] 10. The Corn 옥수수

[미스티컬 샤먼 오라클 카드 해석] 10. The Corn 옥수수 10. The Corn 옥수수 THE ESSENCE 본질 Corn represents the mother of sustenance and tangible abundance. This symbol represents material prosperity in the world of form that provides stability and sustenance to many. There is more than enough. 옥수수는 자양분과 유형적인 풍요의 어머니이다. 이 상징은 많은 사람들에게 안정과 지원을 제공하는 형태의 세계에서 물질적인 번영을 상징합니다. 충분하고도 남습니다. THE INVITATION 초대 You planted a be..

[미스티컬 샤먼 해석] 7. The Child 아이

[미스티컬 샤먼 해석] 7. The Child 아이 THE ESSENCE 본질 The Child knows the way to joy and happiness. The Child offers the return of a second innocence, a time born of wisdom and not of naiveté. This card allows you to correct your course and offers you a second chance. It brings you the possibility of redemption and entering heaven while on Earth. 아이는 기쁨과 행복으로 가는 길을 알고 있습니다. 아이는 순진한 때가 아닌 지혜로 태어난 두 번째 순수함의..

[미스티컬 샤먼 해석] 1. The Ancient Ones 고대인들

[미스티컬 샤먼 해석] 1. The Ancient Ones 고대인들 1. The Ancient Ones 고대인들 THE ESSENCE 본질 The Ancient Ones are the shamans of old who defeated death and escaped from the tyranny of time. The Ancient Ones once walked the earth like us, in flesh and bone. Now they reside in infinity and can counsel us after we say yes to our calling. They are available to help us attain our full realization. 고대인들은 죽음을 물리치고 시간..
